Dockage, reliable and customizable container images.


Docker Tor proxy (http and shell) built on Alpine Linux

docker pull dockage/tor-privoxy

Tags: docker docker-image privoxy proxy tor

Shadowsocks server Docker image, A secure socks5 proxy, designed to protect your Internet traffic.

docker pull dockage/shadowsocks-server

Tags: docker docker-compose docker-image dockerized-shadowsocks-server shadowsocks-server

Alpine image that forms the base for Dockage's docker images.

docker pull dockage/alpine

Tags: alpine docker docker-image linux

MailCatcher Docker image, MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to display in a web interface.

docker pull dockage/mailcatcher

Tags: alpine docker docker-compose mailcatcher smtp-server

Adminer docker image, Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP.

docker pull dockage/adminer

Tags: adminer docker docker-compose

Docker Nginx & PHP-FPM image built on Alpine Linux

docker pull dockage/alpine-nginx-php-fpm

Tags: alpine alpine-linux docker docker-image nginx php php-fpm

Docker image uses runit as a process supervision on Alpine Linux

docker pull dockage/alpine-runit

Tags: alpine alpine-linux alpine-runit docker docker-image linux process-supervision runit

Gearman Docker image, Gearman provides a generic application framework to farm out work to other machines or processes that are better suited to do the work.

docker pull dockage/gearmand

Tags: docker-compose docker-image dockerfile gearman

Docker confd, built on Alpine Linux. confd is a lightweight configuration management tool.

docker pull dockage/confd

Tags: alpine alpine-linux confd docker docker-compose docker-image

phpPgAdmin Docker image, phpPgAdmin is a web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL.

docker pull dockage/phppgadmin

Tags: docker docker-compose docker-image phppgadmin postgres postgresql

Dockerized Lubuntu Desktop.

docker pull dockage/lubuntu-desktop


Debian image that forms the base for some Dockage's docker images.

docker pull dockage/debian

Tags: debian debian-jessie docker docker-image

Docker image uses runit as a process supervision on Debian Linux

docker pull dockage/debian-runit


runit - collection of run scripts

docker pull dockage/runit-scripts


Docker PHP-FPM image built on Alpine Linux

docker pull dockage/alpine-php-fpm

Tags: alpine alpine-linux confd docker docker-image openrc php php7

Rancher CLI image with kubectl command based on rancher/cli

docker pull dockage/rancher-cli-k8s


While designed for web development, the PHP scripting language also provides general-purpose use.

docker pull dockage/php